Monday, May 16, 2011

West test

Today we have started the west test. I just want to say that it the test is the most exciting thing I've ever worked on. It's amazing!! Not really. Anyway, Im in the high school now, I thought that it would get harder, I was wrong. heh. Anyway, I do enjoy that we get some breaks and that theres only 3 weeks of school left. I didnt much enjoy being a freshman but I hope being a sophmore will be better because you arent the youngest. That is all. By the way, sophmore means wise fool.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Spirit Animals.

Today I have decided to blog about spirit animals and what spirit animals the members of my team would have. I do beleieve that some people have epic spirit animals, like Anrold Schwartzenagger, Thats how I will spell it cause thats almost as hard to spell as.... Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Arnies would be an epic metallic lion of doom.

Here are my teams spirit animals including my self.

GABE is a kangaroo

HANNAH is a brontasaurus??

I am a panda!


Friday, April 29, 2011

Firdays Epic Blog.

Todays Blooog will be about testing with portals, when science progresses there might be a day when we see a Portal Gun, A device that can manipulate the molecules in certain walls and open up a small hole and then have another portal be available so you can travel through the portals and arrive at the certain location. When testing with portals be sure to take in the laws of physics and velocity. Be absolutely careful if they do make a portal gun. These portals would enhance travel and people would have loads of fun. We just need to find the ways to change the particles in such a way that we can bend them to make the portals.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Down Low on the Info.

So todays informative blog will be informative blogs should work. Informative blogs should inform readers with inforation that they can then inform others with their unique information. This information is useful, if you are ever lost in the desert or the wilderness and you are starving chew on your shoes. The leather provides and excellent source of nutrients to prolong life for a few days. So there ya go. and by the way to my fellow blogger Gabe.

I dont know what it is!! thank you very much son.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesdays blog!!

As you know, tuesday is when I do my great blog. In order for this blog to be great I will start with the simple things. What defines a great blog? The charisma of the blogger? The content of the very blog? Or is it how interesting it is? Neigh my friends, it is the humor and effort put in the blog, enjoying the blogging and just admiring your epic masterpiece of a blog. If you break it down, blog simply means

B for bloggers
L for love
O for origami
G for geese

who doesnt love origami geese?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The blog of days!

From now on my blogs shall be oriented in this manner Monday-Super Awesome blog, Tuesday-Great Blog, Wednesday-Informative Blog!, Thursday-Random Educational Blog, Friday-Whatever I wanna blog about blog (thats appropriate of course!! ) Guess what day it is! Wednesday! Today I shall inform you one of the ingredients of our famuosly loved peanut butter! One of the ingedients for every approximate 36 oz. is.......Drum roll please. Two rodent hairs!! Oh yes, Congratulations all you peanut butter lovers! We are eating rat hair! woo!. Well, its much better than a chocolate covered cockroach eh? Anyway stay tuned for next week's random fact! It shall be informative! Small fact; This thing (&) Is called the amperstand. It once was in our alphabet. Crazy right? I know.     

&-Epic Amperstand!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Latest update on the demo.

So we have added all the coding except for animation. At first our demo looked as if was not going to turn out well at all. We were so stressed out about not getting it finished. Our team managed to finish the coding with flying colors. I hope that the actual game will be very fun, I think it will be.