From now on my blogs shall be oriented in this manner Monday-Super Awesome blog, Tuesday-Great Blog, Wednesday-Informative Blog!, Thursday-Random Educational Blog, Friday-Whatever I wanna blog about blog (thats appropriate of course!! ) Guess what day it is! Wednesday! Today I shall inform you one of the ingredients of our famuosly loved peanut butter! One of the ingedients for every approximate 36 oz. is.......Drum roll please. Two rodent hairs!! Oh yes, Congratulations all you peanut butter lovers! We are eating rat hair! woo!. Well, its much better than a chocolate covered cockroach eh? Anyway stay tuned for next week's random fact! It shall be informative! Small fact; This thing (&) Is called the amperstand. It once was in our alphabet. Crazy right? I know.
&-Epic Amperstand!